Saturday, July 16, 2011
Hullow... nampaknya macam lebih kerap sya update blog sya yg lagi satu ni... pasal tajuk tu kan tada la kes cepumas ni ba... ada la setan ni kan yg nda pandai paham bahasa malaysia... punya shit sya bilang... hello sya dtg sch utk blajar... bukan cari jantan ok... tapi mau d banding kan kes sya yg cuma tahan sampai 3 minggu ni ada lagi kes yg lebih kiritkal... korang bayangkan k... kawan sya ni kita gelar dia S(p'puan) n BF dia ni K.
Masa tu kan sya masih lagi d bangku sch menengah time tu klu x silap time sya form !... pada satu hari yg soi c S ni p la jumpa sya minta advice sya kunun...
S: Far, c K kan dia bawa sya couple oh... apa sya mau buat?
me: kenapa plak sya yg ko tanya? muka sya ni macam ada BF ka?
S: nda la.. u look like sum1 that is easy 2 talk 2...
me: well if u say so spill it...
S: Gini... c K bawa sya couple tapi sya nda tau mau accept dia ka nda...
me: Kenapa plak ko mau consider lagi? ok la i talk as ur friend ok not as a trained PRS la ok... kenapa ko mau pikir lagi? u like him or not?
S: sebab kan dia sya dengar play boy ba jadi sya nda mau jadi cam bekas GF dia tu yg akhirnya menangis sakit hati... tapi ya sya suka dia...
me: ok both as a friend and as a PRS i cannot tell you what to do... sya cuma boleh cadang jak apa yg ko boleh buat... 1. ko terima jak.. 2. ko nda payah terima. ok kenapa sya bagi ko jawapan yg lebih2 simple dia pasal ni semua dari ko... dari pemerhatian sya, org yg couple awal2, ada kecenderungan utk ada masalah dalam pelajaran sebab yg dia ingat BF/GF dia jak. klu ko rasa2 ko mau terima, 1 benda jak ko kena ingat. adakah klu sya couple sama c K nanti akan mengganggu pelajaran sya? klu ko nda terima pun lagi bagus... klu jodoh nda akan ke mana... so u decide...
S: ok thanks for your input far...
me: no biggie... decide well n consider all options ok...
S: will do...
2 weeks later....
W: far have u heard? c S couple sama c K suda...
me: oh really? ba biar la... sink or swim dia punya pasal sya suda ckp apa yg patut...
then 2 weeks b4 exams they broke up.. she failed her semester severely n she dropped from the first class to the 2nd lowest rank class
second scenario: this is also a friend of mine... dia seorang pelajar lelaki yg baru first time ada GF dia sayang gila la sama GF dia ni... suatu hari yg soi, ni betina tiba2 dump dia pasal jantan lain trus c kawan ni (kwn sya) pun sedih frust menonggeng punya kes la... so ni cerita dia... oh ya dia ni biar d kenali as N n betina tu T....
d canteen..
me: apa jadi ni? napa sedih2 ni?
N: sya break sda sama c T...
me: pasal?
N: dia ada org baru...
me: jadi ko sedih2 ni pasal ko kena dump pompuan la? wei relex la... ko tu muda lagi jauh lagi perjalanan ko.. ala pasal satu pompuan ko mau nangis apa kelas ko jadi jantan klu gitu? hmm... sudah2 p cuci tu muka mau masuk kelas suda ni...
N: far cuba ko ok... c B tiba2 ada GF then apa ko rasa?
me: N... sya nda akan tipu yg sya x sakit hati ok tapi kan bila ko pikir balik, mana lagi penting? pelajaran or percintaan? mmg sya nsa ble nafikan yg klu c B couple sma org len sya mungkin juga akan nangis cam ko tapi sekurang2-nya sya sedar kedudukan sya... 1. sya bukan pun GF dia jadi sya teda hak mau larang dia... 2. klu dia mau couple sma org len termasuk c M tu dia punya pasal... 3. cam mana pun sya syg dia, pelajaran tetap sya utama kan.. so sya nda akan gilak sangat frust cam ko...
Dalam class... c N tiba2 kena mood swing dia tiba2 happy then dia p meja sya...
N: mami cam mana mau mati? makan panadol banyak2 ka?
ok my next answer i will regret 4 the rest of my life n dont u dare judge me... i didnt know that time n the skill of reading people's behaviour in me hasn't been sharpened...
me: ya tapi klu ada coke lagi kick tu effect dia...
N: oh ya ka...
me: ya la... nda baca risalah ka ko?
later that day... after lunch in the school CMPH (closed multipurpose hall)
B: Far, Far! come here n come now!
me: what? What's the matter?
B: it's N... some thing happen to him..
Me: What The Hell Happened???!!!
B: just now after lunch, in front of me n F he suddenly packed up all 8 tablet of active fast n shove it down his throat n wash it with coke... i think he's trying to kill him self.. n source of prob is obviously that tramp T...
me: where is he?
B: toilet...
me: GET HIM HERE! n get me 2 glass of warm water ask the aunty from the canteen and clean cloth, hankie should do the trick.
B: right away...
15 mins later...
me: how many AF did u ate?
N: the whole plank... manage to swallow 4 n puked the other 4 in the toilet just now...
me: what the hell were u thinking N? you could have died! (crying seriously)
N: it's better then living in this world where she's near but yet so far away...
me: you idiotic piece of meat! dont you dare speak like that eve again! cant you see? u r binding your life all for her... you should be living for your self no for any body else. (still crying actually harder this time)
N: i feel empty, stripped and worth less right now...
me: N... we all love you... you have your friends all around you... your parents and siblings love you... just because of one bitch you want to leave your other love once for eternity? wake up N she was just collecting you! like every one else in this school... stop it n live you life like a real man...
then every thing went silent... he slept until evening in the class w/t few of my friends from our group while the other was attending the orientation for juniors...
few days later...
me: how are you N?
N: fine... getting better n getting over her....
me: N i'm glad u r recovering but it's ok to take it slow regarding u getting over that tramp... after all she was your first love isn't it?
N: ya i guess so...
me: hey you know what?
N: what?
me: you owe me a hankie of tears u know...
N: hahaha... (loling) so what can i do?
me: free pass to pull your hair w/t out telling u exactly when i;m gonna do it for 10 times...
N: oh that is not fair...
me: hey it's fair enough since 100% of our juniors saw me wailing like i lost a husband on the day of your stupid act...
N: fineee....
so moral of these 2 stories are, make a right decision and think clearly before making regretful decision... consider all pros and cons when you suddenly decide to want have a BF/GF while still studying especially when your age range are from 12 to 17... since these are the age range that your hormone starts to kick in and give you funny feeling when you see a girl/a boy... think that is it worth it to go through all the heart ache, love live drama one night b4 major exams think what would your parents feel when they had invest so much to you and your un-foretold future... choose and choose wisely... is it worth it is it not... it your call... i can only tell true stories n give you option but it's your call to make the path of your life... ^_^
so that's all for today n have a great day... remember choose wisely...
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