Wednesday, March 16, 2011

still under supervission

ok dear friends erm... that SCREAM BOX isnt really working yet... i'm still figuring out how it works any way it's a link to my photobucket account.... sorry 4 the inconvenience yeah i'm still working on it...


this is 2011 sunway collage fee listing for 2011 intake of 2010 spm students...

If i take A-level, my 1.5 years tuition will cost my aunt <--(i'll explain y later) n eventually me this much : RM 25,950
If i take AusMAT, also 1.5, will cost me this much: RM 17,550
if i take MUFY aka Monash University Foundation Year, for 1.5 year, will cost me: RM 20,750

so let me explain why is it to be costing my aunt then costing me... you see i'm not born with a silver spoon stuck in my mouth as well as my aunt... she worked her ass off day n night n eventually sacrificing her own happiness due to being hooked with work she never had a children of her own... so cause of that we i meant me, n my other cuz's are her rebound kids... meaning she will provide for us as we are furthering our studies... cause i'm the eldest the pressure are high... so if i screw up i'm gonna have to pay one of these price back... i know i lucky but i'm feeling humble cause most of the time i feel as if i'm not doing enough... i'm just not good what is a girl to do? the stakes are too high n i just cant risk it... i just hope my SPM result is good enough to enroll me to one of this program... well that's all for now...